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I am a Sacramento based and DONA certified Birth Doula, currently enrolled in midwifery school.  



Becoming a birth doula is a result of my lived experience with my own births and a deep desire to hold space for other people.  My first pregnancy started off as what I would describe as “perfect”.  I was fortunate enough to not experience morning sickness.  Every appointment with my midwife went wonderfully and I had never felt more beautiful....  The actual birth did not end the same way. My first child was stillborn. I carried her full term.  After many attempts to find her heartbeat I was rushed to the surgical wing of the building.  The doctors were ready to do everything possible, but my baby had already passed on.  Right away, the physicians wanted to do a c-section.  However, with the support of my partner, my midwife and doula, I was able to labor and birth this sweet baby on my own. My doula remained present with me the entire time.  Between her and my midwife, I had never felt so loved and so cared for.  The experience shaped me as a human being and as a mother.



My second child, a son, came two years later, brought into this world with the help and love of the very same midwife and doula.  These two birthing experiences, different as they are, shaped my desire to honor and hold space for parents as they bring their child into this world.



I am committed to this work, today and every day.




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